Laravel Livewire Tables Documentation

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This is the documentation for v3. You can switch versions in the menu at the top. Check your current version with the following command:

composer show rappasoft/laravel-livewire-tables

Questions and Issues

If you have general questions not related to any issues you may post a discussion.

If you have found a reproducable bug please create an issue.

If you would like other help you can join the discord channel - details here.

If you've found a bug regarding security please mail [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.

We welcome contributions, and suggestions from the community, which will be reviewed by the Core Team

Core Maintainers:

We welcome localisation contributions, and are grateful for the contributions of the members of the community below. Please open a PR, reach out on GitHub, or Discord, should you wish to contribute to either an existing or new localisation, or if we have missed you from this list!

Localisation Contributors

Language Contributor(s)
Arabic (AR) None
Catalan (CA) None
Brazilian (pt_BR) irineujunior
Chinese - Taiwan (TW) None
Danish (DA) jeppeolesen
Dutch (NL) siebsie23, spekkie2002, Jerimu
English (EN) Core Team
Finnish (FI) devmikromike
French (FR) dgillier
German (DE) None
Indonesian (ID) None
Italian (IT) Core Team
Malay (MS) wanadri
Portugese (PT) None
Russian (RU) None
Spanish (ES) CristhoferMF
Thai (TH) None
Turkish (TK) None
Ukrainian (UK) Oleksandr-Moik