Laravel Livewire Tables Documentation

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This is the documentation for v3. You can switch versions in the menu at the top. Check your current version with the following command:

composer show rappasoft/laravel-livewire-tables

Other Column Types

Boolean Columns

Boolean columns are good if you have a column type that is a true/false, or 0/1 value.

For example:


Would yield:

Boolean Column

Using your own view

If you don't want to use the default view and icons you can set your own:

2 ->setView('')

You will have access to $component, $status, and $successValue.

To help you better understand, this is the Tailwind implementation of BooleanColumn:

1@if ($status)
2 <svg xmlns="" class="inline-block h-5 w-5 @if ($successValue === true) text-green-500 @else text-red-500 @endif" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor">
3 <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M9 12l2 2 4-4m6 2a9 9 0 11-18 0 9 9 0 0118 0z" />
4 </svg>
6 <svg xmlns="" class="inline-block h-5 w-5 @if ($successValue === false) text-green-500 @else text-red-500 @endif" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor">
7 <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M10 14l2-2m0 0l2-2m-2 2l-2-2m2 2l2 2m7-2a9 9 0 11-18 0 9 9 0 0118 0z" />
8 </svg>

Setting the truthy value

If you want the false value to be the green option, you can set:

2 ->setSuccessValue(false); // Makes false the 'successful' option

That would swap the colors of the icons in the image above.

Setting the status value

By default, the $status is set to:

1(bool)$value === true

You can override this functionality:

2 // Note: Parameter `$row` available as of v2.4
3 ->setCallback(function(string $value, $row) {
4 // Figure out what makes $value true
5 }),

Different types of boolean display

By default, the BooleanColumn displays icons.

If you would like the BooleanColumn to display a plain Yes/No, you can set:

2 ->yesNo()

Color Columns

Color columns provide an easy way to a Color in a Column

You may pass either pass a CSS-compliant colour as a field

1ColorColumn::make('Favourite Colour', 'favourite_color'),

Or you may use a Callback

1ColorColumn::make('Favourite Colour')
2 ->color(
3 function ($row) {
4 if ($row->success_rate < 40)
5 {
6 return '#ff0000';
7 }
8 else if ($row->success_rate > 90)
9 {
10 return '#008000';
11 }
12 else return '#ffa500';
14 }
15 ),

You may also specify attributes to use on the div displaying the color, to adjust the size or appearance, this receives the full row. By default, this will replace the standard classes, to retain them, set "default" to true. To then over-ride, you should prefix your classes with "!" to signify importance.

1ColorColumn::make('Favourite Colour')
2 ->attributes(function ($row) {
3 return [
4 'class' => '!rounded-lg self-center',
5 'default' => true,
6 ];
7 }),

Date Columns

Date columns provide an easy way to display dates in a given format, without having to use repetitive format() methods or partial views.

You may pass either a DateTime object, in which you can define an "outputFormat"

1DateColumn::make('Updated At', 'updated_at')
2 ->outputFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s),

Or you may pass a string, in which case you can define an "inputFormat" in addition to the outputFormat:

1DateColumn::make('Last Charged', 'last_charged_at')
2 ->inputFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s')
3 ->outputFormat('Y-m-d'),

You may also set an "emptyValue" to use when there is no value from the database:

1DateColumn::make('Last Charged', 'last_charged_at')
2 ->inputFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s')
3 ->outputFormat('Y-m-d')
4 ->emptyValue('Not Found'),

Image Columns

Image columns provide a way to display images in your table without having to use format() or partial views:

2 ->location(
3 fn($row) => storage_path('app/public/avatars/' . $row->id . '.jpg')
4 ),

You may also pass an array of attributes to apply to the image tag:

2 ->location(
3 fn($row) => storage_path('app/public/avatars/' . $row->id . '.jpg')
4 )
5 ->attributes(fn($row) => [
6 'class' => 'rounded-full',
7 'alt' => $row->name . ' Avatar',
8 ]),

Link Columns

Link columns provide a way to display HTML links in your table without having to use format() or partial views:

2 ->title(fn($row) => 'Edit')
3 ->location(fn($row) => route('admin.users.edit', $row)),

You may also pass an array of attributes to apply to the a tag:

2 ->title(fn($row) => 'Edit')
3 ->location(fn($row) => route('admin.users.edit', $row))
4 ->attributes(fn($row) => [
5 'class' => 'rounded-full',
6 'alt' => $row->name . ' Avatar',
7 ]),

Button Group Columns

Button group columns let you provide an array of LinkColumns to display in a single cell.

2 ->attributes(function($row) {
3 return [
4 'class' => 'space-x-2',
5 ];
6 })
7 ->buttons([
8 LinkColumn::make('View') // make() has no effect in this case but needs to be set anyway
9 ->title(fn($row) => 'View ' . $row->name)
10 ->location(fn($row) => route('', $row))
11 ->attributes(function($row) {
12 return [
13 'class' => 'underline text-blue-500 hover:no-underline',
14 ];
15 }),
16 LinkColumn::make('Edit')
17 ->title(fn($row) => 'Edit ' . $row->name)
18 ->location(fn($row) => route('user.edit', $row))
19 ->attributes(function($row) {
20 return [
21 'target' => '_blank',
22 'class' => 'underline text-blue-500 hover:no-underline',
23 ];
24 }),
25 ]),

Component Columns

Component columns let you specify a component name and attributes and provides the column value to the slot.

1// Before
2Column::make("Email", "email")
3 ->format(function ($value) {
4 return view('components.alert')
5 ->with('attributes', new ComponentAttributeBag([
6 'type' => Str::endsWith($value, '') ? 'success' : 'danger',
7 'dismissible' => true,
8 ]))
9 ->with('slot', $value);
10 }),
12// After
13ComponentColumn::make('E-mail', 'email')
14 ->component('email')
15 ->attributes(fn ($value, $row, Column $column) => [
16 'type' => Str::endsWith($value, '') ? 'success' : 'danger',
17 'dismissible' => true,
18 ]),