Laravel Livewire Tables Documentation

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This is the documentation for v3. You can switch versions in the menu at the top. Check your current version with the following command:

composer show rappasoft/laravel-livewire-tables

Button Group Columns

Button group columns let you provide an array of LinkColumns to display in a single cell.

2 ->attributes(function($row) {
3 return [
4 'class' => 'space-x-2',
5 ];
6 })
7 ->buttons([
8 LinkColumn::make('View') // make() has no effect in this case but needs to be set anyway
9 ->title(fn($row) => 'View ' . $row->name)
10 ->location(fn($row) => route('', $row))
11 ->attributes(function($row) {
12 return [
13 'class' => 'underline text-blue-500 hover:no-underline',
14 ];
15 }),
16 LinkColumn::make('Edit')
17 ->title(fn($row) => 'Edit ' . $row->name)
18 ->location(fn($row) => route('user.edit', $row))
19 ->attributes(function($row) {
20 return [
21 'target' => '_blank',
22 'class' => 'underline text-blue-500 hover:no-underline',
23 ];
24 }),
25 ]),

Please also see the following for other available methods:

  • [](Available Methods)
  • [](Column Selection)
  • [](Secondary Header)