Laravel Livewire Tables Documentation

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This is the documentation for v3. You can switch versions in the menu at the top. Check your current version with the following command:

composer show rappasoft/laravel-livewire-tables

Boolean Filters (beta)


This is currently in beta, and will only work with Tailwind.


The BooleanFilter is designed so that you can toggle a more complex query/filter, as opposed to being a yes/no type of filter (which is what the SelectFilter is perfect for)

For example, your filter may look like this, toggling the filter from true to false would apply/not apply a more complex query to the query.

1BooleanFilter::make('Limit to Older Enabled Users')
2->filter(function (Builder $builder, bool $enabled) {
3 if ($enabled)
4 {
5 $builder->where('status',true)->where('age', '>', 60);
6 }

Many of the standard methods are available, for example

1BooleanFilter::make('Limit to Older Enabled Users')
2->filter(function (Builder $builder, bool $enabled) {
3 if ($enabled)
4 {
5 $builder->where('status',true)->where('age', '>', 60);
6 }
9 true => 'Active',
10 false => 'Inactive',