Laravel Livewire Tables Documentation

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DateRange Filters

DateRange Filters

DateRange filters are Flatpickr based components, and simply filtering by a date range. If you would like to more smoothly filter your query by a start and end date, you can use the DateRangeFilter:

1use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Views\Filters\DateRangeFilter;
3public function filters(): array
5 return [
6 DateRangeFilter::make('Verified Period'),
7 ];

DateRange filters have configs to set earliestDate and latestDate, to allow/disallow input, to set the input format, to set a placeholder value, display format, plus Filter Pills labels

1public function filters(): array
3 return [
4 DateRangeFilter::make('EMail Verified Range')
5 ->config([
6 'allowInput' => true, // Allow manual input of dates
7 'altFormat' => 'F j, Y', // Date format that will be displayed once selected
8 'ariaDateFormat' => 'F j, Y', // An aria-friendly date format
9 'dateFormat' => 'Y-m-d', // Date format that will be received by the filter
10 'earliestDate' => '2020-01-01', // The earliest acceptable date
11 'latestDate' => '2023-08-01', // The latest acceptable date
12 'placeholder' => 'Enter Date Range', // A placeholder value
13 ])
14 ->setFilterPillValues([0 => 'minDate', 1 => 'maxDate']) // The values that will be displayed for the Min/Max Date Values
15 ->filter(function (Builder $builder, array $dateRange) { // Expects an array.
16 $builder
17 ->whereDate('users.email_verified_at', '>=', $dateRange['minDate']) // minDate is the start date selected
18 ->whereDate('users.email_verified_at', '<=', $dateRange['maxDate']); // maxDate is the end date selected
19 }),
20 ];


By default, this filter will use a CDN to include the Flatpickr JS Library and CSS. However, you can customise this behaviour using the configuration file.

Option 1 - The default CDN behaviour:

1'published_third_party_assets' => false,
2'remote_third_party_assets' => true,

Option 2 - Publish included version

You may publish the included version of Flatpickr. To do so, run:

1php artisan vendor:publish --tag=livewire-tables-public

This will publish the tested version of Flatpickr to your public directory. You should then set

1'published_third_party_assets' => true,
2'remote_third_party_assets' => false,

Option 3 - Locally Installed

If you have a locally installed version of Flatpickr already, you can set both options to false, and your local version will be used instead.

1'published_third_party_assets' => false,
2'remote_third_party_assets' => false,