My Packages

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Type: Package | Template


Sponsorware Original Template

Jetstream 4, FIlament 3 Template

A fresh Jetstream 4 installation with a Filament 3 backend with a bunch of preloaded goodies.

Sponsorware Original Template

Laravel 10, Filament 3, Livewire 3, Breeze Template

A fresh installation of Laravel 10 with a Filament 3 backend and Breeze frontend. Tons of packages pre-installed and configured including roles/health/backups/timezones/etc.

Original Template 13

Laravel 10, Inertia JS, Svelte, TailwindCSS Template

A boilerplate Laravel 10 template preconfigured with Inertia JS, Svelte, and Tailwind CSS

Sponsorware Original Template

Laravel 10, Livewire 3, Breeze Template

A fresh installation of Laravel 10 with Breeze Authentication and Livewire 3. A frontend/backend split with roles as well as breadcrumb management and an SPA like feel using wire:navigate.

Original Package v4.0.0 722 375,752

Laravel Authentication Log

Log user authentication details and send new device notifications.

Original Template v8.3.1 5,548

Laravel Boilerplate

Laravel Boilerplate provides you with a massive head start on any size web application.

Original Package v2.1.0 277 447,058

Laravel Helpers

Use Laravel helper functions in Non-Laravel projects.

Original Package v3.2.4 1,655 1,481,488

Laravel Livewire Tables

A dynamic table component for Laravel Livewire.

This documentation contains additional sponsor-only content!

Original Package v5.0.0 91 224,250

Laravel Lockout

Put your Laravel application into read-only mode.

Original Package v3.0.0 49 39,804

Laravel Patches

Run patches migration style in your Laravel applications.