Laravel Livewire Tables Documentation

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This is the documentation for v3. You can switch versions in the menu at the top. Check your current version with the following command:

composer show rappasoft/laravel-livewire-tables

Multi-Select Filters

Multi-select filters are a list of checkboxes. The user can select multiple options from the list. There is also an 'All' option that will select all values.

1use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Views\Filters\MultiSelectFilter;
3public function filters(): array
5 return [
6 MultiSelectFilter::make('Tags')
7 ->options(
8 Tag::query()
9 ->orderBy('name')
10 ->get()
11 ->keyBy('id')
12 ->map(fn($tag) => $tag->name)
13 ->toArray()
14 ),
15 ];

Filter Pills Separator

As this filter returns one or more values, you have the option to utilise a custom separator for the values displayed in the Filter Pills section at the top of the table. The default is ", ", but you may use any HTML string to separate the selected values

1public function filters(): array
3 return [
4 MultiSelectFilter::make('Tags')
5 ->options(
6 Tag::query()
7 ->orderBy('name')
8 ->get()
9 ->keyBy('id')
10 ->map(fn($tag) => $tag->name)
11 ->toArray()
12 )
13 ->setPillsSeparator('<br />'),
14 ];