Tag: "Laravel: 7.x"

Livewire Laravel

What's New in Livewire Tables v2.1-2.4

In just a short month after the successful release of version 2, there have been 4 minor releases with a few cool additions to note.

Anthony Rappa Anthony Rappa

Anthony Rappa

3 min read

Laravel Livewire

Version 2 of Laravel Livewire Tables Released!

After more than 5 months and hundreds and hundreds of hours of work, version 2 of Laravel Livewire Tables is finally a stable release.

Anthony Rappa Anthony Rappa

Anthony Rappa

3 min read

Laravel Livewire Alpine

What's new in Livewire Tables

I've been busy on open source lately, come see what new features I've added to Livewire Tables.

Anthony Rappa Anthony Rappa

Anthony Rappa

2 min read

Laravel Snippets

Snippet 4: How I autoload my helper functions

I used to just load a helpers.php file in composer.json like everyone else, however the last couple years I have taken a more organizational approach.

Anthony Rappa Anthony Rappa

Anthony Rappa

2 min read

Blade Laravel

Working with @blade $loops

Everyone knows about looping data in Blade files, but have you seen these lesser known features?

Anthony Rappa Anthony Rappa

Anthony Rappa

2 min read

Alpine Livewire Laravel Javascript Blade

Embracing the love between Livewire and Alpine

Building with new tools is hard, especially when it goes against what you've learned about the client and server in the past. Livewire and Alpine are built for each other and here's how you make the most of that relationship.

Anthony Rappa Anthony Rappa

Anthony Rappa

8 min read

Laravel Livewire

Building a like button component with Laravel Livewire

Follow along as I create a reusable like button in Laravel Livewire that restricts clicks per IP address.

Anthony Rappa Anthony Rappa

Anthony Rappa

6 min read

Laravel Snippets Series: Laravel Snippets

15 Random Laravel Snippets & Methods

I write code blocks down that I know I won't use often and will forget about. Every so often I go through them to refresh my memory.

Anthony Rappa Anthony Rappa

Anthony Rappa

2 min read

Laravel Snippets

Snippet 3: Making the logged in user available to all views using view composers

Learn how to use view composers to share small pieces of data across multiple views instead of passing them through many controllers.

Anthony Rappa Anthony Rappa

Anthony Rappa

1 min read

Snippets Laravel

Snippet 2: Adding a UUID Trait to auto-populate uuid columns on model create

If you ever have the need for a UUID column on your models, you may as well use a trait to populate them in case you need the same functionality on other models in the future.

Anthony Rappa Anthony Rappa

Anthony Rappa

1 min read

Snippets Laravel

Snippet 1: Using Laravel's ConfirmableTrait in commands

Did you know you can easily add the production consoles messages you get with Laravel's migrate and seed to your own commands?

Anthony Rappa Anthony Rappa

Anthony Rappa

1 min read

Laravel Blade

Using the @forelse blade directive

Use this nifty blade directive in place of a foreach inside an if/else.

Anthony Rappa Anthony Rappa

Anthony Rappa

1 min read