- Creating Columns
- Relationships
- Available Methods
- Other Column Types
- Column Selection
- Secondary Header
- Footer
- Reusable Columns
- Anonymous Columns
- Styling
- Standard Column
- Array Columns (beta)
- Avg Columns (beta)
- Boolean Columns
- Button Group Columns
- Color Columns
- Component Columns
- Count Columns (beta)
- Date Columns
- Icon Columns (beta)
- Image Columns
- Increment Column (beta)
- Link Columns
- Livewire Component (beta)
- Sum Columns (beta)
- View Component Columns
- Wire Link Column (beta)
- Introduction
- Creating Filters
- Applying Filters
- Available Methods
- Available Component Methods
- Available Filter Methods
- Filter Pills
- Introduction
- Boolean Filters (beta)
- Date Filters
- DateRange Filters
- DateTime Filters
- Multi-Select Dropdown Filters
- Multi-Select Filters
- NumberRange Filters
- Number Filters
- Select Filters
- Text Filters
- Livewire Custom Filter (Beta)
- Livewire Custom Array Filter (Beta)
- Refreshing
- Loading Placeholder
- Multiple Tables Same Page
- Actions (beta)
- Adding Custom Markup
- Debugging
- Saving Table State
- Lifecycle Hooks
- Hiding The Table (beta)
- One Of Many Example
- Tools
Getting Started
Column Types
Bulk Actions
Filter Types
Secondary Header
Advanced Usage
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This is the documentation for v3. You can switch versions in the menu on the left/at the top. Check your current version with the following command:
composer show rappasoft/laravel-livewire-tables
Available Filter Methods
The following methods are available on the filter object. These are "filter-specific" methods.
Ensure you check out:
- Available Component Methods documentation for Table Wide configuration
- Filter Pills documentation for help with configuring the pills for a filter
Hide the filter from both the filter popover and the filter slide down.
1SelectFilter::make('Active')2 ->hiddenFromMenus()
Hide the filter from the filter pills when applied.
1SelectFilter::make('Active')2 ->hiddenFromPills()
Hide the filter from the filter count when applied.
1SelectFilter::make('Active')2 ->hiddenFromFilterCount()
Hide the filter from the menus, pills, and count.
1SelectFilter::make('Active')2 ->hiddenFromAll()
By default the clear
button will reset all filters to their defaults. You can prevent this on a specific filter by using this method.
1SelectFilter::make('Active')2 ->notResetByClearButton()
Use a fully custom view for a filter. This will utilise solely your view when rendering this filter. Note that the following methods will no longer apply to a filter using this:
- setCustomFilterLabel
- setFilterLabelAttributes
1TextFilter::make('Name')2 ->setCustomView('text-custom-view'),
If the filter takes any config options, you can set them with the config
1DateFilter::make('Date')2 ->config([3 'min' => '2020-01-01',4 'max' => '2021-12-31',5 ])
Customising Wireable Behaviour
For the following Filters, you may customise how the input is wire:model into the Table Component:
- DateFilter (Defaults to Live)
- DateTimeFilter (Defaults to Live)
- MultiSelectDropdownFilter (Defaults to live.debounce.250ms)
- MultiSelectFilter (Defaults to live.debounce.250ms)
- NumberFilter (Defaults to Blur)
- SelectFilter (Defaults to Live)
- TextFilter (Defaults to Blur)
You may override this using the following methods, on any of the above Filter types:
Forces the filter to use a wire:model.blur approach
1TextFilter::make('Name')2->config([3 'placeholder' => 'Search Name',4 'maxlength' => '25',5])6->setWireBlur()
Forces the filter to use a wire:model approach
1TextFilter::make('Name')2->config([3 'placeholder' => 'Search Name',4 'maxlength' => '25',5])6->setWireDefer()
Forces the fitler to use a wire:model.live approach
1TextFilter::make('Name')2->config([3 'placeholder' => 'Search Name',4 'maxlength' => '25',5])6->setWireLive()
setWireDebounce(int $debounceDelay)
Allows you to pass a string to use a wire:model.live.debounce.Xms approach
1TextFilter::make('Name')2->config([3 'placeholder' => 'Search Name',4 'maxlength' => '25',5])6->setWireDebounce(50)
These methods allow you to over-ride default styling for individual Filters
This method applies only when using the Slide Down approach to filter display. By default the filters will be displayed in the order that they are listed in the filters() method. This method allows you to specify the row that the filter will be listed. When multiple filters are placed on the same row, and a mobile device is used, then the first filter listed will "win" that row. You may use either a string or an integer to pass to this method, and it can be used in conjunction with setFilterSlidedownColspan
1SelectFilter::make('Active')2 ->setFilterSlidedownRow(1)
This method applies only when using the Slide Down approach to filter display. By default each filter will take up one column, with the number of columns determined by the size of the screen, this ranges from 1 on a mobile device, to a maximum of 5 on a large display. This method allows you to specify the number of columns that the filter should span. It will span the number of columns specified, up to the number of columns available (depending on screen size). You may use either a string or an integer to pass to this method, and it can be used in conjunction with setFilterSlidedownRow
1DateFilter::make('Date')2 ->config([3 'min' => '2020-01-01',4 'max' => '2021-12-31',5 ])6 ->setFilterSlidedownColspan('2')
Set a custom blade file for the filter's label. This will be used in both the Pop-Over and SlideDown filter displays, you should therefore ensure that you cater for the different filter layouts.
1SelectFilter::make('Active')2 ->setCustomFilterLabel('path.to.blade')
You will receive several properties to your blade, explained here:
- $filter (the filter instance)
- $filterLayout ('slide-down' or 'popover')
- $tableName (the table name)
- $isTailwind (bool - is theme Tailwind)
- $isBootstrap (bool - is theme Bootstrap 4 or Bootstrap 5)
- $isBootstrap4 (bool - is theme Bootstrap 4)
- $isBootstrap5 (bool - is theme Bootstrap 5)
- $customLabelAttributes (array -> any customLabel attributes set using setFilterLabelAttributes())
Example label blade:
1@aware([ 'tableName']) 2@props(['filter', 'filterLayout' => 'popover', 'tableName' => 'table', 'isTailwind' => false, 'isBootstrap' => false, 'isBootstrap4' => false, 'isBootstrap5' => false, 'for' => null]) 3 4<label for="{{ $for ?? $tableName.'-filter-'.$filter->getKey() }}" {{ 5 $attributes->merge($customLabelAttributes)->merge($filterLabelAttributes) 6 ->class([ 7 'block text-sm font-medium leading-5' => $isTailwind && ($filterLabelAttributes['default-styling'] ?? ($filterLabelAttributes['default'] ?? true)), 8 'text-gray-700 dark:text-white' => $isTailwind && ($filterLabelAttributes['default-colors'] ?? ($filterLabelAttributes['default'] ?? true)), 9 'd-block' => $isBootstrap && $filterLayout === 'slide-down' && ($filterLabelAttributes['default-styling'] ?? ($filterLabelAttributes['default'] ?? true)),10 'mb-2' => $isBootstrap && $filterLayout === 'popover' && ($filterLabelAttributes['default-styling'] ?? ($filterLabelAttributes['default'] ?? true)),11 ])12 ->except(['default', 'default-colors', 'default-styling'])13 }}14>15 {{ $filter->getName() }}16</label>
Old Method (Still Supported)
Set custom attributes for a Filter Label. At present it is recommended to only use this for "class" and "style" attributes to avoid conflicts.
By default, this replaces the default classes on the Filter Label wrapper, if you would like to keep them, set the default flag to true.
1TextFilter::make('Name')2 ->setFilterLabelAttributes(3 [4 'class' => 'text-xl',5 'default' => true,6 ]7 ),
New Method (Recommended)
Set custom attributes for a Filter Label. At present it is recommended to only use this for "class" and "style" attributes to avoid conflicts.
By default, this replaces the default classes on the Filter Label wrapper, if you would like to keep them, set the default flag to true.
1TextFilter::make('Name')2 ->setLabelAttributes(3 [4 'class' => 'text-xl',5 'default' => true,6 ]7 ),
Allows for customising the attributes that will apply to the input field for the filter.
By default, this replaces the default classes on the Filter Input, if you would like to keep them, set the default-styling and/or default-colors flags to true.
TextFilter Example
The following would:
- Set a maxlength of 75
- Set a placeholder of "Enter a Name"
- Replace the default colors
- Retain the default styling (e.g. rounding/shadow)
1public function filters(): array 2{ 3 return [ 4 TextFilter::make('Name') 5 ->setInputAttributes([ 6 'maxlength' => '75', 7 'placeholder' => 'Enter a Name', 8 'class' => 'text-white bg-red-500 dark:bg-red-500', 9 'default-colors' => false,10 'default-styling' => true,11 ]),12 ];13}
NumberFilter Example
The following would:
- Set a min of 5
- Set a max of 20
- Set steps to be 0.5
- Keep the default colors & styling
1public function filters(): array 2{ 3 return [ 4 NumberFilter::make('Age') 5 ->setInputAttributes([ 6 'min' => '5', 7 'max' => '20', 8 'step' => '0.5', 9 'default-colors' => true,10 'default-styling' => true,11 ]),12 ];13}