- Creating Columns
- Relationships
- Available Methods
- Other Column Types
- Column Selection
- Secondary Header
- Footer
- Reusable Columns
- Anonymous Columns
- Styling
- Standard Column
- Array Columns (beta)
- Avg Columns (beta)
- Boolean Columns
- Button Group Columns
- Color Columns
- Component Columns
- Count Columns (beta)
- Date Columns
- Icon Columns (beta)
- Image Columns
- Increment Column (beta)
- Link Columns
- Livewire Component (beta)
- Sum Columns (beta)
- View Component Columns
- Wire Link Column (beta)
- Introduction
- Creating Filters
- Applying Filters
- Available Methods
- Available Component Methods
- Available Filter Methods
- Filter Pills
- Introduction
- Boolean Filters (beta)
- Date Filters
- DateRange Filters
- DateTime Filters
- Multi-Select Dropdown Filters
- Multi-Select Filters
- NumberRange Filters
- Number Filters
- Select Filters
- Text Filters
- Livewire Custom Filter (Beta)
- Livewire Custom Array Filter (Beta)
- Refreshing
- Loading Placeholder
- Multiple Tables Same Page
- Actions (beta)
- Adding Custom Markup
- Debugging
- Saving Table State
- Lifecycle Hooks
- Hiding The Table (beta)
- One Of Many Example
- Tools
Getting Started
Column Types
Bulk Actions
Filter Types
Secondary Header
Advanced Usage
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This is the documentation for v3. You can switch versions in the menu on the left/at the top. Check your current version with the following command:
composer show rappasoft/laravel-livewire-tables
The package offers significant opportunities to customise the look & feel of the core table, as well as other elements (which are documented in the relevant sections).
Keeping Defaults
To allow simpler customisation on a per-table basis, there are numerous methods available to over-ride the default CSS classes. Historically, this was provided by a simple toggleable "default" flag. However - in many cases, the original "default" has been expanded to include:
Keep Default Colors And Default Styles
- set default flag to true or
- set default-colors flag to true
- set default-styling flag to true
Keep Default Colors Only
- set default flag to false
- set default-colors flag to true
- set default-styling flag to false
Keep Default Styling Only
- set default flag to false
- set default-colors flag to false
- set default-styling flag to true
Set a list of attributes to override on the main wrapper of the component
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setComponentWrapperAttributes([4 'id' => 'my-id',5 'class' => 'this that',6 ]);7}
Set a list of attributes to override on the div that wraps the table
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setTableWrapperAttributes([4 'id' => 'my-id',5 'class' => 'this that',6 ]);7}
By default, this replaces the default classes on the table wrapper, if you would like to keep them, set the default flag to true.
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setTableWrapperAttributes([4 'default' => true,5 'class' => 'added these classes',6 ]);7}
Set a list of attributes to override on the table element
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setTableAttributes([4 'id' => 'my-id',5 'class' => 'this that',6 ]);7}
By default, this replaces the default classes on the table, if you would like to keep them, set the default flag to true.
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setTableAttributes([4 'default' => true,5 'class' => 'added these classes',6 ]);7}
Set a list of attributes to override on the thead element
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setTheadAttributes([4 'id' => 'my-id',5 'class' => 'this that',6 ]);7}
By default, this replaces the default classes on the thead, if you would like to keep them, set the default flag to true.
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setTheadAttributes([4 'default' => true,5 'class' => 'added these classes',6 ]);7}
Set a list of attributes to override on the tbody element
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setTbodyAttributes([4 'id' => 'my-id',5 'class' => 'this that',6 ]);7}
By default, this replaces the default classes on the tbody, if you would like to keep them, set the default flag to true.
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setTbodyAttributes([4 'default' => true,5 'class' => 'added these classes',6 ]);7}
Set a list of attributes to override on the th elements.
If your Column does not have a field (e.g. a label column), then you may use the following, which will utilise the first parameter in Column::make()
1public function configure(): void 2{ 3 // Takes a callback that gives you the current column. 4 $this->setThAttributes(function(Column $column) { 5 if ($column->isField('name')) { 6 return [ 7 'class' => 'bg-green-500', 8 ]; 9 }10 11 return [];12 });13}
Keeping Default Colors and Default Styling
1public function configure(): void 2{ 3 $this->setThAttributes(function(Column $column) { 4 if ($column->isField('name')) { 5 return [ 6 'default' => true, 7 'class' => 'bg-green-500', 8 ]; 9 }10 11 return ['default' => true];12 });13}
Keeping Default Styling Only For the "Name" Column
1public function configure(): void 2{ 3 $this->setThAttributes(function(Column $column) { 4 if ($column->isField('name')) { 5 return [ 6 'default' => false, 7 'default-styling' => true, 8 'class' => 'text-black bg-green-500 dark:text-white dark:bg-green-900', 9 ];10 }11 12 return ['default' => true];13 });14}
Reorder Column
Note: If you are using Reorder, then the th for Reorder can be styled separately. However this is now replaced with the following to ensure consistent behaviour. The separate method will be supported until at least v3.6
You can also use the "title" of the Column, which will be "reorder" for the "reorder" Column:
1public function configure(): void 2{ 3 $this->setThAttributes(function(Column $column) { 4 if ($column->getTitle() == 'reorder') 5 { 6 return [ 7 'class' => 'bg-green-500 dark:bg-green-800', 8 'default' => false, 9 'default-colors' => false,10 ];11 12 }13 14 return ['default' => true];15 });16}
Bulk Actions Column
Note: If you are using Bulk Actions, then the th for Bulk Actions can be styled separately. However this is now replaced with the following to ensure consistent behaviour. The separate method will be supported until at least v3.6
You can also use the "title" of the Column, which will be "bulkactions" for the "Bulk Actions" Column:
1public function configure(): void 2{ 3 $this->setThAttributes(function(Column $column) { 4 if ($column->getTitle() == 'bulkactions') 5 { 6 return [ 7 'class' => 'bg-yellow-500 dark:bg-yellow-800', 8 'default' => false, 9 'default-colors' => false,10 ];11 12 }13 14 return ['default' => true];15 });16}
Set a list of attributes to override on the th sort button elements
1public function configure(): void 2{ 3 // Takes a callback that gives you the current column. 4 $this->setThSortButtonAttributes(function(Column $column) { 5 if ($column->isField('name')) { 6 return [ 7 'class' => 'bg-green-500', 8 ]; 9 }10 11 return [];12 });13}
Set a list of attributes to override on the tr elements
1public function configure(): void 2{ 3 // Takes a callback that gives you the current row and its index 4 $this->setTrAttributes(function($row, $index) { 5 if ($index % 2 === 0) { 6 return [ 7 'class' => 'bg-gray-200', 8 ]; 9 }10 11 return [];12 });13}
By default, this replaces the default classes on the tr, if you would like to keep them, set the default flag to true.
1public function configure(): void 2{ 3 $this->setTrAttributes(function($row, $index) { 4 if ($index % 2 === 0) { 5 return [ 6 'default' => true, 7 'class' => 'bg-gray-200', 8 ]; 9 }10 11 return ['default' => true];12 });13}
Set a list of attributes to override on the td elements
If your Column does not have a field (e.g. a label column), then you may use the following, which will utilise the first parameter in Column::make()
1public function configure(): void 2{ 3 // Takes a callback that gives you the current column, row, column index, and row index 4 $this->setTdAttributes(function(Column $column, $row, $columnIndex, $rowIndex) { 5 if ($column->isField('total') && $row->total < 1000) { 6 return [ 7 'class' => 'bg-red-500 text-white', 8 ]; 9 }10 11 return [];12 });13}
By default, this replaces the default classes on the td, if you would like to keep them, set the default flag to true.
1public function configure(): void 2{ 3 // Takes a callback that gives you the current column, row, column index, and row index 4 $this->setTdAttributes(function(Column $column, $row, $columnIndex, $rowIndex) { 5 if ($column->isField('total') && $row->total < 1000) { 6 return [ 7 'default' => true, 8 'class' => 'bg-red-500 text-white', 9 ];10 }11 12 return ['default' => true];13 });14}
Set a list of attributes to override on the search field
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setSearchFieldAttributes([4 'class' => 'this that',5 ]);6}
By default, this replaces the default classes on the search field, if you would like to keep them, set the default flag to true.
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setSearchFieldAttributes([4 'default' => true,5 'class' => 'added these classes',6 ]);7}
This customises the look & feel of the button displayed to Collapse an expanded Collapsed Column
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setCollapsingColumnButtonCollapseAttributes([4 'class' => 'text-blue-500',5 ]);6}
By default, this replaces the default classes on the button, if you would like to keep: Default Colors: set default-colors flag to true. Default Styling: set default-styling flag to true.
Keeping the Default Styling
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setCollapsingColumnButtonCollapseAttributes([4 'default-styling' => true,5 'class' => 'text-blue-500',6 ]);7}
Keeping the Default Colors
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setCollapsingColumnButtonCollapseAttributes([4 'default-colors' => true,5 'class' => 'h-12 w-12',6 ]);7}
Replacing All
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setCollapsingColumnButtonCollapseAttributes([4 'class' => 'h-12 w-12 text-blue-500',5 ]);6}
This customises the look & feel of the button displayed to Expand a collapsed Collapsed Column
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setCollapsingColumnButtonExpandAttributes([4 'class' => 'text-red-500',5 ]);6}
By default, this replaces the default classes on the button, if you would like to keep: Default Colors: set default-colors flag to true. Default Styling: set default-styling flag to true.
Keeping the Default Styling
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setCollapsingColumnButtonExpandAttributes([4 'default-styling' => true,5 'class' => 'text-red-500',6 ]);7}
Keeping the Default Colors
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setCollapsingColumnButtonExpandAttributes([4 'default-colors' => true,5 'class' => 'h-12 w-12',6 ]);7}
Replacing All
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setCollapsingColumnButtonExpandAttributes([4 'class' => 'h-12 w-12 text-red-500',5 ]);6}
Vertical Scrolling Example
Should you wish to implement a table with a responsive height, and vertical scrolling for additional rows, a basic example is below that demonstrates the approach, noting that you will likely wish to adjust the break-points!
1public function configure(): void 2{ 3 4 $this->setTableWrapperAttributes([ 5 'class' => 'max-h-56 md:max-h-72 lg:max-h-96 overflow-y-scroll', 6 ]); 7 $this->setTheadAttributes([ 8 'class' => 'sticky top-0 ' 9 ]);10}
Keep in mind that you must only call methods from configure() once to avoid overriding or conflicting results.