- Creating Columns
- Relationships
- Available Methods
- Other Column Types
- Column Selection
- Secondary Header
- Footer
- Reusable Columns
- Anonymous Columns
- Styling
- Standard Column
- Array Columns (beta)
- Avg Columns (beta)
- Boolean Columns
- Button Group Columns
- Color Columns
- Component Columns
- Count Columns (beta)
- Date Columns
- Icon Columns (beta)
- Image Columns
- Increment Column (beta)
- Link Columns
- Livewire Component (beta)
- Sum Columns (beta)
- View Component Columns
- Wire Link Column (beta)
- Introduction
- Creating Filters
- Applying Filters
- Available Methods
- Available Component Methods
- Available Filter Methods
- Filter Pills
- Introduction
- Boolean Filters (beta)
- Date Filters
- DateRange Filters
- DateTime Filters
- Multi-Select Dropdown Filters
- Multi-Select Filters
- NumberRange Filters
- Number Filters
- Select Filters
- Text Filters
- Livewire Custom Filter (Beta)
- Livewire Custom Array Filter (Beta)
- Refreshing
- Loading Placeholder
- Multiple Tables Same Page
- Actions (beta)
- Adding Custom Markup
- Debugging
- Saving Table State
- Lifecycle Hooks
- Hiding The Table (beta)
- One Of Many Example
- Tools
Getting Started
Column Types
Bulk Actions
Filter Types
Secondary Header
Advanced Usage
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This is the documentation for v3. You can switch versions in the menu on the left/at the top. Check your current version with the following command:
composer show rappasoft/laravel-livewire-tables
Column Selection
Column select is on by default. All columns are selected by default and saved in the users session.
Excluding from Column Select
If you don't want a column to be able to be turned off from the column select box, you may exclude it:
1Column::make('Address', 'address.address')2 ->excludeFromColumnSelect(),
Deselected by default
If you would like a column to be included in the column select but deselected by default, you can specify:
1Column::make('Address', 'address.address')2 ->deselected(),
If you would like a column to be included in the column select but deselected based on an external parameter/callback, you may use this approach.
Returning "true" will deselect the Column by default, returning "false" will select the Column by default
1Column::make('Address', 'address.address')2 ->deselectedIf(fn() => 2 > 1),
1Column::make('Address', 'address.address')2 ->deselectedIf(!Auth::user()),
If you would like a column to be included in the column select and selected based on an external parameter/callback, you may use this approach.
Returning "true" will select the Column by default, returning "false" will deselect the Column by default
1Column::make('Address', 'address.address')2 ->selectedIf(fn() => 2 > 1),
1Column::make('Address', 'address.address')2 ->selectedIf(Auth::user()),
Available Methods
Enabled by default, enable/disable column select for the component.
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setColumnSelectStatus(true);4 $this->setColumnSelectStatus(false);5}
Enable column select on the component.
1public function configure(): void2{3 // Shorthand for $this->setColumnSelectStatus(true)4 $this->setColumnSelectEnabled();5}
Disable column select on the component.
1public function configure(): void2{3 // Shorthand for $this->setColumnSelectStatus(false)4 $this->setColumnSelectDisabled();5}
Hide column select menu when on tablet or mobile
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setColumnSelectHiddenOnTablet();4}
Hide column select menu when on mobile.
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setColumnSelectHiddenOnMobile();4}
Enabled by default, whether or not to remember the users column select choices.
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setRememberColumnSelectionStatus(true);4 $this->setRememberColumnSelectionStatus(false);5}
Remember the users column select choices.
1public function configure(): void2{3 // Shorthand for $this->setRememberColumnSelectionStatus(true)4 $this->setRememberColumnSelectionEnabled();5}
Forget the users column select choices.
1public function configure(): void2{3 // Shorthand for $this->setRememberColumnSelectionStatus(false)4 $this->setRememberColumnSelectionDisabled();5}
In order to idenfify each table and prevent conflicts on column selection, each table is given a unique fingerprint. This fingerprint is generated using the static::class name of the component. If you are reusing the same component in different parts of your application, you may need to set your own custom fingerprint.
1public function configure(): void2{3 // Default fingerprint is output of protected method dataTableFingerprint()4 // Below will prepend the current route name5 $this->setDataTableFingerprint(route()->getName() . '-' . $this->dataTableFingerprint());6}
If using column selection, an event is triggered when a user is changing selection. This can for example be used to store the selected columns in database for the user. When the user is accessing same page with the table, read som database and set the session key to initialize selected columns.
Here is an example
1use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Events\ColumnsSelected; 2 3class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider 4{ 5 /** 6 * The event listener mappings for the application. 7 * 8 * @var array 9 */10 protected $listen = [11 ColumnsSelected::class => [12 DataTableColumnsSelectedListener::class13 ]14 ]15}
1 2class DataTableColumnsSelectedListener 3{ 4 /** 5 * Create the event listener. 6 * 7 * @return void 8 */ 9 public function __construct()10 {11 //12 }13 14 /**15 * Handle the event.16 *17 * @param object $event18 * @return void19 */20 public function handle($event)21 {22 Setting::setCurrentUserTableColumns($event->key, $event->columns);23 }24 25}
Allows for customisation of the appearance of the "Column Select" button
Note that this utilises a refreshed approach for attributes, and allows for appending to, or replacing the styles and colors independently, via the below methods.
Setting to false will disable the default colors for the Column Select button, the default colors are:
Bootstrap: None
Tailwind: text-gray-700 bg-white border-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-50 focus:border-indigo-300 focus:ring-indigo-200 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-white dark:border-gray-600 dark:hover:bg-gray-600
Setting to false will disable the default styling for the Column Select button, the default styling is:
Bootstrap: btn dropdown-toggle d-block w-100 d-md-inline
Tailwind: inline-flex justify-center px-4 py-2 w-full text-sm font-medium rounded-md border shadow-sm focus:ring focus:ring-opacity-50
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setColumnSelectButtonAttributes([4 'class' => 'focus:border-rose-300 focus:ring-1 focus:ring-rose-300 focus-visible:outline-rose-300', // Add these classes to the column select button5 'default-colors' => false, // Do not output the default colors6 'default-styling' => true // Output the default styling7 ]);8}
Allows for customisation of the appearance of the "Column Select" menu option checkbox
Note that this utilises a refreshed approach for attributes, and allows for appending to, or replacing the styles and colors independently, via the below methods.
Setting to false will disable the default colors for the Column Select menu option checkbox, the default colors are:
Bootstrap: None
Tailwind: text-indigo-600 border-gray-300 focus:border-indigo-300 focus:ring-indigo-200 dark:bg-gray-900 dark:text-white dark:border-gray-600 dark:hover:bg-gray-600 dark:focus:bg-gray-600
Setting to false will disable the default styling for the Column Select menu option checkbox, the default styling is:
Bootstrap 4: None
Bootstrap 5: form-check-input
Tailwind: transition duration-150 ease-in-out rounded shadow-sm focus:ring focus:ring-opacity-50 disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-wait
1public function configure(): void2{3 $this->setColumnSelectMenuOptionCheckboxAttributes([4 'class' => 'text-rose-300 focus:border-rose-300 focus:ring-rose-300', // Add these classes to the column select menu option checkbox5 'default-colors' => false, // Do not output the default colors6 'default-styling' => true // Output the default styling7 ]);8}