Laravel Livewire Tables Documentation

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This is the documentation for v1 but the latest version is v3. You can switch versions in the menu at the top. Check your current version with the following command:

composer show rappasoft/laravel-livewire-tables

Clickable Rows

If you would like to make the whole row clickable, you may use the getTableRowUrl method:

1public function getTableRowUrl($row): string
3 return route('my.edit.route', $row);

It will be passed the current model as $row.

Setting the target

If you would like to set the click target to anything other than _self you may use the following method:

The following method is only available in v1.19 and above

1public function getTableRowUrlTarget($row): ?string
3 if ($row->type === 'this') {
4 return '_blank';
5 }
7 return null;

Working with links on clickable rows

Since the row itself is clickable, you might have issues with event bubbling if you have links in your cells on top of the clickable rows. My current solution is to use Livewire to prevent the default action and stop the event bubbling and then redirect.

For example, you have a link in a cell that's in a clickable row:

1<a href="#" wire:click.stop.prevent="redirectToModel('admin.auth.user.edit', [{{ $user }}])" class="font-medium">{{ $user->name }}</a>

The .stop will prevent the row click action from happening, the .prevent will preserve your URL history in case you are using # to control page content.

Then in your table you need that method:

1public function redirectToModel(string $name, array $parameters = [], $absolute = true): void
3 $this->redirectRoute($name, $parameters, $absolute);

Now the blank space of the row should have its action, while your links go to their own action.

Working with wire:click on rows

You can add the row-level Livewire clicks by utilizing the following method.

1public function getTableRowWireClick($row): ?string
3 return "doSomething(" . $row->id . ")";
6public function doSomething($id)
8 // ...

If you state both getTableRowUrl & getTableRowWireClick, the URL will supersede when a non-null value is supplied.