My Packages

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Original Template v8.3.1 5,620

Laravel Boilerplate

Laravel Boilerplate provides you with a massive head start on any size web application.

Original Package v3.6.0 1,838 1,968,305

Laravel Livewire Tables

A dynamic table component for Laravel Livewire.

This documentation contains additional sponsor-only content!

Original Package v4.0.0 819 746,160

Laravel Authentication Log

Log user authentication details and send new device notifications.

Original Package v2.1.0 280 518,803

Laravel Helpers

Use Laravel helper functions in Non-Laravel projects.

Original Package v5.0.0 96 254,581

Laravel Lockout

Put your Laravel application into read-only mode.

Original Package v3.0.0 50 57,469

Laravel Patches

Run patches migration style in your Laravel applications.

Original Template 15

Laravel 10, Inertia JS, Svelte, TailwindCSS Template

A boilerplate Laravel 10 template preconfigured with Inertia JS, Svelte, and Tailwind CSS

Sponsorware Original Template

Laravel 10, Livewire 3, Breeze Template

A fresh installation of Laravel 10 with Breeze Authentication and Livewire 3. A frontend/backend split with roles as well as breadcrumb management and an SPA like feel using wire:navigate.

Sponsorware Original Template

Laravel 10, Filament 3, Livewire 3, Breeze Template

A fresh installation of Laravel 10 with a Filament 3 backend and Breeze frontend. Tons of packages pre-installed and configured including roles/health/backups/timezones/etc.

Sponsorware Original Template

Laravel 11, Jetstream 5, & Filament 3 Template

A fresh Jetstream installation with a Filament backend with a bunch of preloaded goodies.