Hi all!
Note: This is for sponsors only.
I threw together cool Filament 3 boilerplate with a Jetstream 4 frontend and a bunch of packages pre-installed and pre-configured.
Preinstalled & Configured Packages:
- Spatie Permissions
- Spatie Activity Log
- Filament Activity Log
- Spatie Health
- Filamant Spatie Health
- Spatie Settings
- Spatie Backup
- Filamant Spatie Backup
- Filament Laravel Settings
- Laravel Timezone
- Laravel Trends
- Laravel Debugbar
- Laravel Impersonation
- Larabug
Other Features
- User Resource with history
- Frontend/Backend by role
- Role based middleware included
- Filament loaded and ready on the client side
- Users created by month dashboard widget
- Useful composer scripts
Hopefully this can save you a few hours on your next project!
View the Template