Tag: "Laravel: 8.x"
What's New in Livewire Tables v2.1-2.4
In just a short month after the successful release of version 2, there have been 4 minor releases with a few cool additions to note.

Anthony Rappa
Version 2 of Laravel Livewire Tables Released!
After more than 5 months and hundreds and hundreds of hours of work, version 2 of Laravel Livewire Tables is finally a stable release.

Anthony Rappa
Blade Eloquent Snippets Laravel Series: Laravel Snippets
10 Random Laravel Snippets & Methods, Part 4
I write code blocks down that I know I won't use often and will forget about. Every so often I go through them to refresh my memory.

Anthony Rappa
Laravel Blade Series: Laravel Snippets
10 Random Laravel Snippets & Methods, Part 3
I write code blocks down that I know I won't use often and will forget about. Every so often I go through them to refresh my memory.

Anthony Rappa
Alpine Laravel Livewire Tailwind
A sneak peak at Livewire Tables v2
I decided to build version 2 of Livewire Tables from the ground up. I am hundreds of hours in with no end in sight, did I bite off more than I could chew with this one?

Anthony Rappa
What's New in Laravel: 8.58 - 8.68
Are you like me and find it impossible to find the time to keep up with the changes in Laravel on a weekly basis? In this series I'll try to roll them up periodically into one post.

Anthony Rappa
Introducing Laravel Authentication Log
Laravel Authentication Log is a package which tracks your user's authentication information such as login/logout time, IP, Browser, Location, etc. as well as sends out notifications via mail, slack, or sms for new devices and failed logins.

Anthony Rappa
Refactoring with Laravel's new whereRelation methods
Prior to this simple PR, we needed verbose closures to do simple queries on relationships. Now it can be done on one line with these simple helpers.

Anthony Rappa
Laravel Snippets Series: Laravel Snippets
15 Random Laravel Snippets & Methods, Part 2
I write code blocks down that I know I won't use often and will forget about. Every so often I go through them to refresh my memory.

Anthony Rappa