This is the next iteration to the Laravel Snippets Series.
Here are 10 more Laravel snippets/methods I use or have recently saved for later:
1. Reorder orderBy()
If you try to use orderBy
on a query that has already been ordered, it will not work since in SQL you can have multiple order by's in a query, so they just end up getting appended.
If you explicitly want to change the ordering, you can use reorder:
1// Consider a relationship 2public function posts() 3{ 4 return $this->hasMany(Post::class)->latest(); 5} 6 7// The above already sets the orderBy to `created_at desc` so the following will not override that. 8$user->posts()->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->get(); // Still ordered by `created_at desc` 9 10// Reorder to a different column11$user->posts()->reorder()->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->get(); // Now ordered by `updated_at desc`12 13// Or more cleaner14$user->posts()->reorder('updated_at', 'desc')->get();
2. isDirty()
Check if a model has been modified
1$product = Product::find(1);2$product->isDirty() // false3 4$product->name = "New name";5$product->isDirty() // true6$product->isDirty('name') // true
3. @checked
Clean up your markup with the new @checked directive.
1<input type="radio" name="active" value="1" {{ old('active', user->active)) ? 'checked' : '' }} />
1<input type="radio" name="active" value="1" @checked(old('active', user->active)) />
4. @selected
Clean up your markup with the new @selected directive.
1<select name="active">2 <option value="yes" {{ old('active', user->active)) ? 'selected' : '' }}>Yes</option>3</select>
1<select name="active">2 <option value="yes" @selected(old('active', user->active))>Yes</option>3</select>
5. foreignIdFor()
Instead of using foreignId
with a string column, you can specify a model.
6. Route::controller
Laravel 8.80.0 release includes support for defining a common group controller once for a route group, then only providing the methods to the route definitions.
1Route::controller(OrderController::class)->group(function () {2 Route::get('/orders/{id}', 'show');3 Route::post('/orders', 'store');4});
7. make:migration strings
1php artisan make:migration create_users_table
1php artisan make:migration "create users table"
8. Mail::alwaysTo()
Avoiding Accidental Email Sends with alwaysTo()
1// AppServiceProvider.php2if (! app()->environment('production')) {3 Mail::alwaysTo('');4}
9. str()
The str
function returns a new Illuminate\Support\Stringable
instance of the given string. This function is equivalent to the Str::of
1$string = str('Taylor')->append(' Otwell');2 3// 'Taylor Otwell'
10. skip() TransformRequests-type middleware
As of @laravelphp v8.36.0, you can skip 'TransformRequests' middlewares by registering a callback.
For example, you can use it on 'TrimStrings' and 'ConvertEmptyStringsToNull'
1ConvertEmptyStringsToNull::skipWhen(2 fn (Request $request) => $request->is('admin/*')3);4 5TrimStrings::skipWhen(6 fn (Request $request) => $request->is('admin/*')7);