Community Packages

panphp/pan - Package Image


Pan is a lightweight and privacy-focused PHP product analytics library. It’s designed as a very simple package that you can install via composer require and start tracking your pages or components with a simple data-pan attribute.


wire-elements/livewire-strict - Package Image

Livewire Strict: Enforce additional security measures to Livewire

Livewire Strict helps enforce security measures and prevents you from having unprotected sensitive public properties.


wire-elements/wire-spy - Package Image

WireSpy—a sleek new debug bar for Livewire

Take your Livewire development to the next level with WireSpy. Instantly debug and interact with your components—inspect their state, modify it on the fly, and even time-travel through state changes to pinpoint issues. Stay on top of every event with a dedicated events page that shows dispatched events, the originating component, and the exact data payload. And with the hot reload feature, any changes to your component files automatically refresh, keeping your workflow fast and efficient. WireSpy gives you the power and precision you need to build and debug your Livewire apps.


glhd/linen - Package Image


Linen is a lightweight spreadsheet utility for Laravel. It's a simple wrapper for openspout with some data normalization conveniences.


maizzle/maizzle - Package Image


Quickly build HTML emails with Tailwind CSS

spatie/livewire-filepond - Package Image

Livewire Filepond

This repository contains a Livewire component that allow you to use Filepond easily in your projects.


thedevdojo/auth - Package Image

DevDojo Auth

Customizable Auth Screens for your Laravel App

leventcz/laravel-top - Package Image

Laravel Top

Top provides real-time monitoring directly from the command line for Laravel applications. It is designed for production environments, enabling you to effortlessly track essential metrics and identify the busiest routes.


timacdonald/json-api - Package Image


A lightweight API resource for Laravel that helps you adhere to the JSON:API standard with support for sparse fieldsets, compound documents, and more baked in.


laravel-shift/blueprint - Package Image

Laravel Blueprint

Rapidly develop multiple Laravel components from a single, human readable domain language.


spatie/laravel-pdf - Package Image

Laravel PDF

This package provides a simple way to create PDFs in Laravel apps. Under the hood it uses Chromium to generate PDFs from Blade views. You can use modern CSS features like grid and flexbox to create beautiful PDFs.


rmunate/PHP2JS - Package Image


Share PHP Laravel values effortlessly with external JavaScript files using just one command, thanks to the seamless integration of PHP2JS. Execute backend requests swiftly and precisely with the power of QuickRequest.

amidesfahani/filament-tinyeditor - Package Image

Filament TineMce Editor

A TineMce integration for Filament Admin/Forms.


noxoua/filament-activity-log - Package Image

Filament Activity Log

This package is an add-on for simplified activity logging based on spatie/laravel-activitylog package. This package also includes a page for viewing activity logs.


binafy/laravel-user-monitoring - Package Image

Laravel User Monitoring

Tracking user behavior and interactions is now made effortless, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of your users' engagement, preferences, and pain points


cjmellor/browser-sessions - Package Image

Laravel Browser Sessions

This package allows you to log out sessions that are active on other devices.


omarelnaghy/lara-date-filter - Package Image

Laravel Date Filter

Laravel Date Filtering is a package that simplifies date-based filtering for your Laravel Eloquent models. It provides a set of convenient methods to filter records based on various date and time intervals.

takielias/tablar - Package Image


Tablar: A Laravel Dashboard Preset Featuring Dark Mode and Dynamic Menu Generation for Effortless Navigation and Fast Development.


essa/api-tool-kit - Package Image

Laravel API Tool Kit

Supercharge your API development with the API Toolkit, using standardized responses, dynamic pagination, advanced filtering, one-click full CRUD setup, logic clarity, media mastery, and crystal-clear enums. Let's elevate your development journey with high-performance APIs!


staudenmeir/laravel-adjacency-list - Package Image

Laravel Adjacency List

This Laravel Eloquent extension provides recursive relationships using common table expressions (CTE).


thedevdojo/genesis - Package Image


Genesis is a Laravel Starter Kit that utilizes the TALL Stack as well as single-file Volt and Folio files. This starter kit contains Authentication, User Dashboard, Edit Profile, and a set of UI Components.

tomasVotruba/bladestan - Package Image


Static analysis for Blade templates in Laravel projects.

usernotnull/tall-toasts - Package Image

Beautiful Notification Toasts For Laravel

A Toast global that can be called from the backend (via Controllers, Blade Views, Components) or frontend (JS, Alpine Components) to render customizable toasts.


spatie/laravel-model-flags - Package Image

Laravel Model Flags

This package offers a trait that allows you to add flags to an Eloquent model. These can be used to quickly save the state of a process, update, migration, etc... to a model, without having to add an additional column using migrations.


Flowframe/laravel-trend - Package Image

Laravel Trends

Generate trends for your models. Easily generate charts or reports.

orchid/platform - Package Image


Laravel Orchid is a powerful and easy-to-use solution for creating admin panel and line of business applications. With its code-driven approach, you can quickly and easily create efficient applications.


conedevelopment/bazar - Package Image

Bazar: Headless E-commerce System

Bazar provides a flexible and easily extensible system, respecting the Laravel conventions.


brendt/php-sparkline - Package Image

PHP Sparkline

Generate sparkline SVGs in PHP


chartello/chartello - Package Image


Chartello provides a simple UI for visualizing your data in your Laravel 9+ apps.


basement-chat/basement-chat - Package Image

Basement Chat

Add a real-time chat widget to your Laravel application.


brick/money - Package Image


Working with financial data is a serious matter, and small rounding mistakes in an application may lead to serious consequences in real life. That's why floating-point arithmetic is not suited for monetary calculations.


MaestroError/php-heic-to-jpg - Package Image


The easiest way to convert HEIC/HEIF images to JPEG with PHP and Laravel framework. It uses binary file created with Go language and has no dependencies on any other PHP libraries, extensions or third-part software

wire-elements/modal - Package Image

Livewire Modal

Wire Elements Modal is a Livewire component that provides you with a modal that supports multiple child modals while maintaining state.


roach-php/core - Package Image

Roach PHP

Roach allows us to define spiders that crawl and scrape web documents. But wait, there’s more. Roach isn’t just a simple crawler, but includes an entire pipeline to clean, persist and otherwise process extracted data as well. It’s your all-in-one resource for web scraping in PHP.


SiavashBamshadnia/Laravel-Source-Encrypter - Package Image

Laravel Source Encrypter

This package encrypts your php code with phpBolt.

maize-tech/laravel-markable - Package Image

Laravel Markable

This package allows you to easily add the markable feature to your application, as for example likes, bookmarks, favorites and so on.


ecrmnn/collect.js - Package Image


Laravel like collection class for Javascript.

hmones/laravel-digest - Package Image

Laravel Digest

A simple package to create and send digest emails every certain period or when the amount reaches a certain threshold.


glhd/laravel-dumper - Package Image

Laravel Dumper

Improve the default output of dump() and dd() in Laravel projects. Improves the default dump behavior for many core Laravel objects.


danharrin/livewire-rate-limiting - Package Image

Livewire Rate Limiting

This package allows you to apply rate limiters to Laravel Livewire actions. This is useful for throttling login attempts and other brute force attacks, reducing spam, and more.


rezaamini-ir/migrator - Package Image


Migrator is a GUI migration manager for Laravel which you can create, manage and delete your migration.


stefanzweifel/laravel-sends - Package Image

Laravel Sends

Keep track of outgoing emails and associate sent emails with Eloquent models

karam-mustafa/laravel-geographical-calculator - Package Image

Geographical Calculator

Geographical Calculator was developed for laravel 5.8+ to help you to implement geographical calculation, with With several algorithms that help you deal with coordinates.

spatie/laravel-health - Package Image

Laravel Health

Using this package you can monitor the health of your application by registering checks.


asantibanez/livewire-calendar - Package Image

Livewire Calendar

This package allows you to build a Livewire monthly calendar grid to show events for each day. Events can be loaded from within the component and will be presented on each day depending on the date of the event.


nnjeim/world - Package Image

Laravel World

A Laravel package to provide a list of the countries, states, cities, timezones, currencies and phone numbers formatting/validation helpers.


spatie/laravel-searchable - Package Image

Laravel Searchable

This package makes it easy to get structured search from a variety of sources. Here's an example where we search through some models. We already did some small preparation on the models themselves.


tonysm/rich-text-laravel - Package Image

Rich Text Laravel

Integrates the Trix Editor with Laravel. Inspired by the Action Text gem from Rails.


RahulDey12/laravel-console-spinner - Package Image

Laravel Console Spinner

Laravel Console Spinner was created by Rahul Dey. It is just a custom Progress Bar inspired by icanhazstring/symfony-console-spinner.

spatie/laravel-support-bubble - Package Image

Laravel Support Bubble

A non-intrusive support bubble that can be displayed on any page


Showing 1 to 50 of results