A mashup of articles for many technologies related to the full stack developer.
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Inertia JS Laravel Svelte Tailwind
Creating a Laravel 10 Application using Inertia JS, Svelte, and Tailwind CSS
I've been trying to branch out and try new things. Inertia and Svelte were on my list but the documentation didn't get me up and running. Here's how I solved my problems.

Anthony Rappa
Snippet 5: Creating a simple, but cool delete button with Alpine.js and TailwindCSS
Sometimes ideas pop into my head that I don't immediately need, but I think are a good exercise. So I carve out 15 minutes of my day to code an example to learn and save to my library of components for future use.

Anthony Rappa
Alpine Tailwind Series: Tailwind CSS Dark Mode
Extending Tailwind CSS dark mode to use system preference
In a previous article, I showed you how to use Tailwind CSS to enable a dark theme on your application. Let's take it one step further and have it prioritize the user's system theme settings first.

Anthony Rappa
Introducing Laravel Authentication Log
Laravel Authentication Log is a package which tracks your user's authentication information such as login/logout time, IP, Browser, Location, etc. as well as sends out notifications via mail, slack, or sms for new devices and failed logins.

Anthony Rappa
Tailwind Alpine Series: Tailwind CSS Dark Mode
Enabling dark mode in Tailwind CSS
I had never implemented dark mode in Tailwind before, but it was such a breeze I decided to make it even easier for you.

Anthony Rappa